Income Expense

by Keepsoft


not available

Screen Previews are English. German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Turkish translations available. Save your income types and expense types.
Save your incomes and expenses
You can track your incomes and expenses by daily, monthly and yearly.
You can change to your countries local currency symbol. Available currencies in full version, $, €, £, TL, R$, лв, Kč, kr, Rp, ₱, R, ₩, ₪, ¥, ден, руб, ман. In free version only $, €, £, TL currencies available.
You can filtering in all screens by month and year
Summary and details for income and expenses. Filtering by month and year in the main screen.
You can analyse any time period of incomes and expenses.
User friendly, basic and fast interface.
You can analyse incomes and expenses with graphics.
Export to excel file sd card root folder.
You can create login password. When you want to open application, you must enter login password.
No Ads. Don't need internet.